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Making Your Business Official With a Home Office

Share! 9/2/2021

Many people are starting to work from home. First, this article will discuss how to properly set up a business through an LLC. It is important to know what you are getting into if you decide to start a business in your own house. Second, it will explore three different options for setting up an office space at home: renting or buying a new apartment or house (if necessary), renovating your current one, or redesigning your current office space. Wisconsin Buys Local invites you to read on to learn more!

Important steps for starting a new business

Step 1: Create an LLC for your business through your state. As this process differs from state to state, you'll need to research regulations specifically or let an expert service handle the legwork.

Step 2: Request an EIN number. Once your LLC creation is complete, you should request an EIN. This helps come tax time to file your taxes and truly complete your business structure set up.

Step 3: Open a business account for your LLC or new business. If you're going to be taking payment, this is important for accounting.

Step 4: Consider a trademark. If you're serious about your business, consider a trademark for your business name, logo, service, or product. These can be expensive but are important for protection.

Getting started on your new home office

Rent or buy an apartment or home with an office built in - If you're renting or buying a new house or apartment, consider finding one with an office built in. This will allow you to have your business space already designed and ready for work. When surveying properties, whether to rent or purchase, be sure to use online search tools like ApartmentGuide, which has filter functions that not only allow you to hone in on the ideal number of bedrooms and bathrooms, but that also enables you to determine the ideal Madison neighborhood that will suit your personal and professional needs.

By finding a home or apartment with a built-in office, you can hit the ground running with just a few purchases. You can focus less on the layout and construction of the office space, and more on optimizing the feel for productivity and comfort.

Add a home office to your current house - If you're planning to make renovations or simply need new office space, there are a few ways to go about this. You can take the spare room of your house and turn it into your office but oftentimes, it doesn't have enough space for everything you'll need. Another option is to consider outfitting an unused basement as your new home office. If your budget is bigger, you could even add an addition to your house to truly customize your space.

Refresh your current home office - If you have a home office already set up, take the time to re-evaluate it. Make a list of what you need your space to look like and then go to it! Take down wallpaper or paint colors and remove furniture if needed. It can be difficult to come up with these ideas yourself, so check out some of these top ideas for home office productivity. You can make a lot of improvements aside from layout and size. Considering things like paint color, lighting, storage, furniture, and more.

Declutter your life to de-clutter your business. One of the biggest mistakes many home-based business owners make is they have too much stuff around them. While you may need some basic supplies such as paper and pens, odds are you don't need to load up on every sticky note ever created. These items can clutter up your office space and simply get in your way. Keeping it simple, clean, and organized is the best method for keeping a smooth flow of work through your home office.

In Summary

It can be difficult to know what the best option is for a home-based business owner when it comes to office space. The three options we discussed in this article are renting or buying a new house with an existing office, adding on your current house, and remodeling.

image via Pexels

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