About Us

We're Pro-Wisconsin!

The team at Wisconsin Buys Local is just super passionate about Wisconsin-owned businesses, about shopping and exploring all that Wisconsin has to offer. We want to be mindful of keeping our hard-earned money here, in Wisconsin, when we can. It's just makes cents and dollars! We hope that as a WBL member, you'll be as passionate about shopping locally as we are.

Call Us Dreamers...

But we believe with a little help from you, we can make small, but significant strides to help strengthen Wisconsin's economy, job market, and overall quality of life.

We Can Do It!

With a little help from our friends, we can make a positive impact in Wisconsin. Sign up for free, share us on Facebook, Twitter, Email, smoke signals, Pony Express and carrier pigeon.

Bringing Business & Shoppers Together!

Our goal is to maintain a peer-reviewed list of awesome, locally-owned businesses throughout the Great State of Wisconsin.

This is a place to list your business, help gain free points for your SEO, connect with customers, and extend your marketing reach to tens of thousands of additional Wisconsinites that might not yet know about your business!

You'll get the inside scoop on local businesses, see reviews, post comments, and just generally help us keep our Wisconsin Businesses and Communities strong and thriving.

Why Shop Local?

We are big believers in shopping and buying locally, and hope you are or will be!

  • Economically Positive - when you buy local, the revenues are kept here in our communities. Why would you spend your hard earned dollars and send them to Arkansas?
  • Non-Profit Organizations- non-profits tend to receive an overwhelmingly majority of their donations from small business owners! Supporting your local businesses helps support non-profit organizations in your community!
  • Diversity - bored with the same chain food and the same cookie cutter clothing? Local businesses offer diversity from the big boxes.
  • Green! - Local businesses tend to purchase their raw materials locally - meaning less transportation - meaning less carbon emissions.
  • More Jobs - small & medium local business owners represent the largest employer base nationally and in our communities.
  • Better Service- local businesses tend to hire passion and knowledgeable people that will go out of their way to make sure you are satisfied as their valuable customer.
  • Community Improvement- with money being made and spent locally, those dollars are staying here at home.
  • What's Your Reason?- Tell us at Facebook.com/WisconsinBuysLocal.
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